Abstracts Accepted
Transactional Analysis and Understanding the Mind
Nisha Mundada*
Transactional analysis is a useful and widely applied model of communication. It analyzes the behavior of both us and other people. It is also useful to understand the mind of others. Transactional analysis was founded by Eric Berne. In TA three ego states are given: Parent Adult & Child. There are two types in Parent ego state: Parent controlling and Parent Nurturing & in child ego states: Natural child and Adapted child.

The Natural key to this methodology was a transaction the fundamental unit of social intercourse. Berne also defined a stroke – the fundamental unit of social action.
TA is the method for studying interactions between individual. Thomas Harris stated in I’m OK - You’re OK that in TA we have found a new language of psychology. These three ego states any one can under stand; it identifies things that really are the reality of experiences that really happen in the lives of people who really exist. For each ego state there are physical and verbal clues. When two persons interact with each other (Stimulus – Response) this technique discovers which part of each person Parent, Adult, or Child interacts. With these clues to assist us we can begin to identify Parent, Adult & Child in transactions involving ourselves and others. When two people who act together with each other (Stimulus – response) on P – A – C transactional diagram make parallel lines, the transaction is complementary and can go on indefinitely. It does not matter which way the vectors go (Parent – Parent, Adult – Adult, Child – Child, Parent – Child, Child – Adult) if they are parallel. The kind of transaction that causes trouble is the crossed transaction. When stimulus & response cross on the P – A – C transactional diagram, communication stops.
So when a person interacts with other person there is one ego state in him. If he identify his own ego state (P – A – C) and also of the responding person, it means that with the help of TA he can understand himself as well as others.
Key Words:
Transactional Analysis; Ego states; P – A – C; Mind
S. S. M. M. College, Pachora, A/P. Tal. Pachora Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra India.
Email: ndmundada@gmail.com
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Final Accepted 1st workshop MBC